Saturday, April 19, 2008

1st CD convention

People have asked me too many times to count why I'm not frustrated over the Hillary & Barack race or why I don't think it's that big a deal that it's gone on this long. Those people should live in my CD to appreciate what it's like to have a really complicated race with various candidates.

This should be most interesting. I hope I can keep up. Meanwhile, I am going to warn people I take very slim minutes and everyone must identify themselves if they speak and that if anyone is going to give a speech I need a copy of it for the records........that should shut up the peanut gallery that quibbles over commas in resolutions......oh, yeah, we're doing resolutions too. And, I have been present when people spent long times discussing commas, and word counts (all resolutions have to be in certain format and the words have to be counted).

I'm thinking that the resolutions are going to go pretty quickly and we will be moving on to the business of tossing Ryan out for the majority of the convention. On here I get to put on my "individual citizen" hat and endorse Marge Krupp (who has just passed the $80,000 mark in fund raising for a citizen candidate!) and my "blogger" hat. Tomorrow I will be an officer and I will not show any from of favoritism. I'll also be all business. Crazy as that sounds, I really can be very "all business" and kind of hard assed about rules. You have to be able to turn it on and turn it off. I'm generally very good at doing good it's almost scary.

Then we also have a few elections for CD officers scheduled. My first convention doing minutes and we have three major things going on. Whew, I will need a good meal, drinks, and rest after that.

This is one of those things that most people who vote Dem but don't bother to get involved with should. Really. Because this is where the state party takes it's direction in the language of the DPW constitution. It's our platform and you can have an impact if you really want to. It's not easy, it's boring and tedious. But, if you don't participate, you really should never complain about the party. At least not to me. I kick.

I will taking photos and posting them on the Democratic Party of Racine County's website (blog).