Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hotel for Burlington cont.

He says it's going to bring business to downtown Burlington. Really? No bank wants to give out a loan for a hotel in B-town. He says it's because of this isn't a normal lending climate. I'm thinking this isn't a good time to invest in a business project based on hopes instead of real facts. Who did the research to see if this would pay off? Who needs hotel accommodations in downtown Burlington? People coming in for weddings and funerals? A few passing through town? For business purposes--which businesses bring in enough people from out of town that they need something this big right there right now?

And, my favorite bit was his talking up the great and wonderfully ugly river walk.
Take this example from Capitol Drive in Milwaukee, it was meant to make the area more beautiful:

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Up close, as you drive by, you can see it's rusted and more of a statement of contrast to what is it's surroundings. Sad for what it could have spent on providing food, clothing and aid to the poor who live nearby. Racine has a $50,000 piece of pervert Becker's bribe to an artist bright red modern artwork in one of it's worst, I guess *art for the poor* instead of building infrastructure and providing help is the new brain farts of local governments?

Take a good look at where the Burlington River walk leads to:

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Yep, right up to the Charcoal Grill. Not to any restaurant that was there before the river walk construction. How did that help local businesses? And, why, when Burlington's best feature is being a small city with a rural atmosphere would they put in (you can't see it in the google map) a railing system in a abstract art form? They used colors that will fade easily, bricks that tend not to hold up to hard Wisconsin winters.........and, it's just plain as out of place as the *artwork* on Capitol Dr. To me it already looks like it's starting to age poorly, just like me.

So, where exactly is this hotel going to lead people to anyway? The local hardware stores? Local shops? Maybe the local Super Walmart? Or is it going to house people who are there for one or two night stays that won't have much time to do other than seek out burger and a beer? Maybe a few bars will benefit? But, for the people who need the most help I just don't see this project being a sound investment.

Also, as noted by Sean in a comment on an earlier thread, it appears that State Rep. Robin Vos has a vested interest in the proposed new hotel, and, that his father, a common council member voted for it. If that's not enough to raise a few eyebrows and straighten a few spines I just don't know what is.