"This vote signals that our members understand the difficult economic times our nation is facing. We are doing more with less every day but we remain steadfast in our commitment to keeping Wisconsin moving forward," said Council 24 Executive Director Marty Beil.
"We have negotiated long and hard and in good faith to reach a contract that continues the smooth delivery of quality services through difficult times. Our members have voted. We've done our job. Now it is time for the state legislature to do its job," Beil said.
According to the Office of State Employee Relations the total dollar amount for benefit concessions and furlough days by represented employees will amount to $103.2 million for the biennium with the approval of these contracts.
These contracts coincide with the two-year budget established by this governor and this legislature. They are fully accounted for in the current budget.
The contracts between the State and workers cover five state bargaining units represented by AFSCME: Professional Social Services, Blue Collar, Administrative Support, Technical, and Security and Public Safety.